If you’ve ever purchased a new vehicle, you may remember the dealer asking about your auto insurance. You may even have been required to provide proof of coverage before driving off the lot with your beautiful new car!
If you’re in the market for a new car now, be prepared to call us to either add the new vehicle or replace an existing vehicle on your policy if you have a trade-in.
When you call, here is some information that’s good to have on hand:
- Make and model of the new vehicle
- VIN (vehicle identification number)
- Do you want the same coverage you have on your other vehicles?
- How will you use your new car (pleasure, work commute, business)
- Expected mileage per year
- Safety features
- Lienholder information such as name, address, telephone number. (Depending on the lender, you may be required to carry full coverage (comprehensive/collision) and have a certain deductible amount.
We will use the information to properly rate the premium for the new vehicle. You shouldn’t have to pay anything immediately, but we likely will adjust the cost of adding the new vehicle by dividing the premium among the remaining payments of your policy term. If you buy a less expensive vehicle, you may even end up getting a refund.
Once your new vehicle has been added to your policy, you can have proof of coverage faxed to the dealership or you may even be able to download proof-of-coverage to your telephone. Also, many state law enforcement agencies now accept electronic proof of insurance with a mobile insurance ID card.
Are you thinking of getting a new vehicle? That’s very exciting! Contact us if you have any questions about how the new vehicle will affect your auto insurance premium. We’re here to help with all your insurance needs. http://www.gross-ins.com