Do your employees drive to business meetings or to meet with customers? Whether employees are driving their own vehicle or a company car, more companies are putting safe driving policies into place. Why? More people are driving distracted these days, and a business could be held liable for an accident caused by an employee who isn’t driving safely.
It’s important that companies be clear about what type of behavior is expected by their employees behind the wheel. At the very least, you’ll want employees to be aware of the need to strictly follow any federal and state driving laws. Beyond that, you may want to spell out what you definitely don’t want them doing while driving. Once you’ve put together a plan, provide each employee with your driving rules and consider having them sign the document to indicate that they understand what’s expected of them behind the wheel. Here are some suggestions from the Insurance Information Institute:
Limit (or ban!) cell phone use on the road. To be safe, you may want to make it clear to employees that they are not to talk on a cell phone or text while they are driving on business.
Let voicemail do its work. Let employees know you do not want them to initiate calls while they are driving or answer any incoming calls. Let them know that all incoming calls – even from the boss – go to voicemail while driving.
Ban distracted driving. We all know that texting while driving is dangerous. But distracted driving – from talking on a cell phone to eating or drinking behind the wheel – causes thousands of injuries and deaths each year as well. So does shaving, putting on makeup and combing your hair from behind the wheel.
Promote courteous driving. Have you ever been cut off in traffic by a car with a business name on the side? If your employees drive cars with your company’s name on them, make sure they know that rude driving can cost you business.