It’s Bicycle Safety Month! We all know we should always wear a bicycle helmet when we’re riding on two wheels. Here are five other key safety tips from The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration designed to keep cyclists safe:
- Get a tune-up. Check all parts of your bicycle to make sure it is in good shape and working well. If you don’t have the skills to work on your own bicycle, arrange to have a tune-up with a local bicycle shop.
- Follow the rules. Bicycle riders must follow the same traffic laws as drivers of motor vehicles.
- Practice good driving habits. Always ride on the right side of the road with the flow of traffic. Stay as far to the right of the road as possible. If there’s a bike lane, ride in it. Be courteous to others on the road.
- Remain visible. Make yourself as visible to motorists, pedestrians and other cyclists as possible.
- Never wear headphones. Headphones hinder your ability to stay aware of your surroundings and heed any warnings from others.