Do you remember the nerves and excitement as you studied and then took the tests for your driver's license? All that information to remember seemed overwhelming at times.
Whether it was just a few years ago or a few decades ago, we tend to forget... (Read More)
Back injuries are one of the most common on-the-job injuries. But you work in an office at a computer. You don't have to worry about hurting your back, right?
Wrong. Even if you are picking up fairly light objects occasionally, lifting can put... (Read More)
Did you know that even cute dogs can bite? Yep. One wrong interaction and someone visiting you or walking by your home is cleaning a wound. You can, however, prevent dog bites by following these tips:
Dogs need personal space just like humans. ... (Read More)
Are you paying enough attention to your competition? Whether a company is B2B or B2C, performing periodic audits on the competition can provide valuable information. Here are a few ways to gather business intelligence:
Look at your competition's... (Read More)
Is your family making a move? Here are three things that you can do to make the process of moving a bit less stressful:
Make a to-do list early. Things are going to get crazy, but an organized list will be your saving grace. Don’t forget the... (Read More)
It is one thing to walk into a parking lot and realize you have forgotten where you parked. It is quite another to realize your vehicle has been stolen. Once you get over the initial shock, what should you do?
First you will need to call the... (Read More)
When was the last time your team or company had a successful brainstorming session? Did everyone leave the meeting encouraged and recharged or did they leave feeling like they wasted the last hour or two? Effective brainstorming sessions can help... (Read More)
Within any small company, there is usually at least one “key person” who is critical to its success. It could be a business founder, owner, partner or simply a valuable employee. It's a person who can't easily be replaced — someone the company... (Read More)
Move over Facebook and Twitter: Pinterest is a wildly popular social media channel. With 70 million users and counting, it's now the third most popular social media site in the U.S. How can you use Pinterest to promote your business? Here are a... (Read More)
Giving back to your community is not only the right thing to do. It can have valuable benefits to you and your company. That's why many businesses — even ones with only a handful of employees — are putting corporate social responsibility (CSR)... (Read More)