If you have a teen driver in your household, chances are you're concerned about keeping your auto insurance costs under control. It's a fact: As a group, teenagers do cost more to insure than adults. But there are several ways to keep your teen's... (Read More)
Now more than ever, employers are looking for opportunities to be friendlier to the environment. Have you considered these ways to make your organization more eco-friendly?
Offer remote work
Remote work has taken off during the pandemic, and... (Read More)
New drivers get in accidents — a lot of them. In fact, the risk of motor vehicle crashes is higher among teenagers ages 16-19 than among any other age group. But what you may not realize is that parents play a big role in keeping teens safe behind... (Read More)
Rear-end collisions are one of the most common types of car accidents. And most rear-end collisions are caused by tailgating. are you guilty of following other vehicles too closely?
You probably don't think of yourself as a tailgater. In fact... (Read More)
Did you know that more older adults are driving than ever before? The ability to drive is intrinsically tied to our sense — and reality — of being independent. But there's no getting around the truth of the matter: Age diminishes some of the... (Read More)
Despite the growing awareness about cyber threats, many myths about cyber security still persist. Ready to separate fact from fiction? Here are some of the most common cybersecurity myths.
Myth #1 — Too much security diminishes... (Read More)
You know that carrying auto insurance is a must to protect yourself, your family, your vehicle and even other drivers on the road in the event of an accident. But, do you ever feel confused about the different parts of your auto policy? What's the... (Read More)
Which types of insurance coverages does your company need? Here are four basic types of insurance policies that most businesses need to have (even the smallest of companies) and four other coverages that many businesses need but often don't realize... (Read More)
Kids today are growing up in a world in which updating your friends on your every move is totally acceptable, if not expected. Posting to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat about where you are, what you're doing and who you're doing it with... (Read More)